This site only offers general information to its visitors. Under no circumstances the information provided therein can be regarded as providing legal or professional advice or to replace legal services. Therefore, access to the relevant information is not considered as a mandate relationship between the visitors-users of this website and the law office of Evgnosia Papadopoulou. Furthermore, the latter will not be liable for potential harm to visitors or third parties that may happen due to the use of information gathered in this website.
It is strictly forbidden by any means, the reproduce, the translation, adaptation or other modifications of the work contained in this website without the prior written permission of the author Evgnosia Papadopoulou. The views expressed herein are considered personal views of the above and the content of the texts included in this website are products of work and intellectual property rights which are protected under No. 4212/2013 for the protection of intellectual property which incorporates European Directive No. 2011/77/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 September 2011 and Directive No. 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament of the Council of 25fth October, 2012.
Copyright © Evgnosia Papadopoulou –All rights reserved Created by Evgnosia
Τhe law office of Evgnosia Papadopoulou does not receive any item or personal information from the visitors and the users of this website and it has also taken all the necessary measures in order to protect the visitors' personal data and privacy according to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation No.2016/679-GDPR).
1. Kinds of personal data being processed.
1.1 The law firm processes personal data which are necessary for the provision of legal services, including, among others:
- Contact information: name, surname, gender, age, occupation, postal address, telephone number, ID card number, email address, social insurance number, medical history, criminal records, criminal prosecution.
- Information provided by the customer for the purpose of providing legal services.
- Private visits to the law firm's premises.
- Electronic data: through customer's access to the law firm's website and technological services, information of the customer's visit to the URL link to and from the website (including the day and the time of the visit to the site), network information such as information about electronic devices, nodes, configurations, connection speeds and performance of network applications, etc.
1.2. Personal data are collected either directly by the individuals or indirectly through intermediaries or third parties acting on behalf of the client, such as employees, agents or service providers.
2. Collection and processing purposes
Personal data are collected and processed in accordance with the rights of the data subjects, under the law, the common practice and good faith principles (fair processing) and also for the following purposes:
- In order to establish a relationship with the individual customer for the provision of legal service by the law firm to the subject of the data.
- In order to enforce a legal agreement where the subject of the data is a contracting party or in order to take action at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract.
- For any other use which is not explicitly stated, provided that the customer explicitly agrees to such processing.
3. Potential recipients of personal data:
3.1 The law office shares personal data with the following list of natural or legal persons:
- In the context of providing advisory services for the out -of -court or judicial settlement of debts, the law firm shares personal data of the clients with partners (such as financial advisors, experts, brokers, real estate appraisers etc.) after prior notification and authorization by the client
- Court bailiffs, public notaries
- Courier companies
- Arbitrators and mediators for the purpose of providing legal, arbitration and mediation procedures
- Software and computer support centres providing IT and communications support with which the law office has entered into a confidentiality agreement, while the shared data are always encrypted.
- State or arbitral tribunals.
- Governmental and public authorities, including tax authorities, who have a legitimate interest in such personal data.
- Any other person than the above to which the subject of the data has given his consent.
4. Preservation terms
The law office processes personal data only within the time period that is necessary for the purpose for which it has been processed. Customers have the right to have their personal data which have been collected by the law office deleted and the right to stop any further process in cases where i) such personal data are no longer required for the purpose for which they are collected or processed, ii) the customer has withdrawn his consent or iii) the customer opposes to the processing of his or hers personal data. Irrespective of the latter, the law office retains the legal rights to further preserve the customer's personal data in order to comply with its obligations under greek legislation.